Sunday, April 26, 2009


The first picture is the forest behind our house, it has really greened up and bloomed this week, it looks so pretty but I don't go in there or I will come out with more nature than I went in with. All the other pictures are plants that we planted this weekend. The flowers in the old green wooden box (That I got at the flea market for $12 dollars) are in the front and are still alive, believe it or not. We only have 2 bushes and some succulents (our neighbor dug the succulents out of her yard for us) in our front planter but we will add more as time goes on and if the dogs will leave them alone! The blue container in the back is a toy bucket I turned into a flower container because it was only $6 and it was high enough for the dogs to hopefully leave alone. The big purple flower plant at the back of the container should grow all over the railings, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Luckily my next door neighbor is like the jolly green giant but smaller and white and she can grow anything so she has and will continue to be a big help in my planting adventures.

1 comment:

  1. I wish it would warm up and stay warm enought to plant. It looks like you will have a nice garden this year.
