Saturday, April 18, 2009

2 Wheeler!

So Alex decided he wanted to try riding his bike without the training wheels, so like any good father Steve took off the training wheels and started to teach his son to ride a 2 wheeler. Everything was going well, Alex even fell off a few times and he didn't even cry. After about 5 or 6 times down the drive way Alex took off his helmet and decided he was done. We tried to convince him that it would take a lot of practice to become really good but he just said that he wanted his training wheels back on and that he was done! I thought for a moment, why did he give up so easy just because he didn't become a pro after a few minutes, then I remembered he is my son. Just when I think I can blame all his crazy behavior on Steve, oh well, I guess everyone was bound to find out that I wasn't perfect after all! They sure look cute though!

1 comment:

  1. The bench dose look cute and 12 bucks is awsome. Dont worry about Alex quiting he has enough Steve in him to be bull headed enough and keep trying.
    I am glad that you fixed the color of your letters so I don't have to high light it. :)
