Sunday, April 26, 2009

Postcard beautiful!!

Have you ever seen a more regal, majestic looking dog? She looks like a real dog instead of the lazy, needy thing she really is but she is still the best!


Okay these are stupid but we were having fun trying to get pictures of each other jumping in mid air.


The first picture is the forest behind our house, it has really greened up and bloomed this week, it looks so pretty but I don't go in there or I will come out with more nature than I went in with. All the other pictures are plants that we planted this weekend. The flowers in the old green wooden box (That I got at the flea market for $12 dollars) are in the front and are still alive, believe it or not. We only have 2 bushes and some succulents (our neighbor dug the succulents out of her yard for us) in our front planter but we will add more as time goes on and if the dogs will leave them alone! The blue container in the back is a toy bucket I turned into a flower container because it was only $6 and it was high enough for the dogs to hopefully leave alone. The big purple flower plant at the back of the container should grow all over the railings, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Luckily my next door neighbor is like the jolly green giant but smaller and white and she can grow anything so she has and will continue to be a big help in my planting adventures.

6 1/2 weeks left!

6 1/2 weeks left until baby day! The bottom picture is my dang!, i'm sexy pose! I saw a pregnant elephant do the same pose on the discovery channel, that's where I learned how to do it! Lucky for me Steve likes his women curvy.

Painting the afternoon away

We got some tarra cotta pots to paint to make them into frog houses to put in the front planter area, (The dogs find the frogs, put them in their mouth and then start foaming away, it's really nasty!) So supposedly if you make the frogs little houses the frogs will go in them and then the dogs won't notice them, (well see). Anyway, here we all are painting our pots, Steve's is the wave that looks like a professional did it and mine is the one that looks like an 8 year old girl did it. Alex's is on his head and is an array of different colors and designs. He then decided to paint a wooden candy cane and turkey, "just for fun" (Nacho Libre)


Grandma Vegas bought the boys a Wii for their birthdays(Thanks Grandma!) so all of these pictures are us playing Wii bowling and Steve Wii boxing. It is really a lot of fun!

Here is Alex taking his turn for bowling.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Vacuum!

So we thought we may need a new vacuum and so we did days and days of research and went to every store in a 30 mile radius and we finally decided on a vacuum. Alex loves the new vacuum and is happy to clean the floors for us so it may be worth the absurd amount of money that it cost! We were right in the end about needing a new vacuum, I vacuumed a 5x5 area of our carpet with our old vacuum and then did the same spot with the new one and I pulled out of the new vacuum bag a fist size glob of hair and dirt that the old vacuum didn't get! It really confirmed to me that we are really gross!! Oh, yea and we have 2 dogs and a dirty little boy

2 Wheeler!

So Alex decided he wanted to try riding his bike without the training wheels, so like any good father Steve took off the training wheels and started to teach his son to ride a 2 wheeler. Everything was going well, Alex even fell off a few times and he didn't even cry. After about 5 or 6 times down the drive way Alex took off his helmet and decided he was done. We tried to convince him that it would take a lot of practice to become really good but he just said that he wanted his training wheels back on and that he was done! I thought for a moment, why did he give up so easy just because he didn't become a pro after a few minutes, then I remembered he is my son. Just when I think I can blame all his crazy behavior on Steve, oh well, I guess everyone was bound to find out that I wasn't perfect after all! They sure look cute though!


So we went to the flea market this morning and got this old green bench to put our terra cotta pots on because if you can see the pot to the right has no blooms on it, that is because Nanooke ate them all off! Anyway, we got this cute little bench for 12 bucks so I hope that it looks as cute in the picture as it does on our front porch.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ow! my crotch!

Alex was complaining that this picture was hurting his crotch!

Alex said he is excited for his baby sister to be born, he even moved the ultrasound picture of her and put it on his dresser next to his bed, isn't that sweet!

Happy Easter Belly!

Okay this is a bit gross with my big belly but still pretty funny! Well Happy Easter everyone, we love you lots and miss you! I hope this comes off before my next Dr's appointment.

I'm on top of the truck!!

It was really warm on Friday so we decided to go the beach but when we got there it was pretty cold so we came home. Steve was getting his surf board down and Alex wanted to help, hence Alex is on top of the truck. You have to click on the picture of Alex standing on the truck, his face is hilarious but you have to see it up close.

Merry Christmas!

Okay so these are a bit old, but here are a couple pictures from Christmas. Behind Steve and Alex are the cookies and note for Santa, aren't they so cute!

Two bad dudes!

This little gem came from a trip to Famous Dave's. We were waiting for our food and Alex asked me to draw a mustache on him, so I got out a pen and gave him a mustache. When the waitress came by and asked if everything was okay Alex said, " No, I have a mustache!" It was pretty funny! So when we got home Steve and Alex drew mustaches on each other with an old eyeliner pencil.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Here is my ever so handsome and sexy husband! Doesn't he look dreamy in his wet suit? His friend Mike from work joined him in some surfing. Steve is the guy on the left in the bottom picture.

Footprints in the sand!

As I was walking along I saw these two sets of footprints, one mine and one Alex's. It made me think how blessed I am to have such a special little boy and to have my footprint next to his. We had a scary reminder of how fragile their little bodies can be and we will remember to enjoy him, even the messy bits!

Alex at the Beach!

After the day we had yesterday an evening at the beach was just what we needed! Alex was feeling much better and getting back to his normal wild self. He buried his bottom half in a small pit and then did some lovely poses for me. I flew his spider-man kite and sat on my butt in a beach chair.