Monday, May 17, 2010

Just cute kids!

Here are the two peanuts sitting on the stairs of the back porch. So cute! Alex gets the cheesiest smiles when he is taking a picture but in real life his smile is Great!!

Dangerous Daddy!

Steve put my little baby on a stool to take her picture! I told him if he breaks this baby he will be making the next one by himself!!

I wanna be the baby!

Alex put himself in Emma's high chair and then couldn't get himself out! I told him when he was doing it that if he got stuck I wasn't going to get him out but he did it anyway. I made him sit there a while before I got him out!


Here is Emma getting ready to go snorkeling!


These are just two cute pics of Alex when we had all the snow. Man it has been a really long time since I have updated this!

Swimming in the bathtub!

Here is Mr. no teeth! He put on his swim stuff and went swimming in the tub. The third pic is of him squirting water out of his mouth where his teeth used to be!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow dog!!

Nanooke is loving the snow! So cute!

Snow, snow and more snow!!

The first pic is the path I dug to the neighbors! I am pretty sure I worked off all the peanut M&M's from last week! The second pic is the back of the house and the trail I dug to clean off the heater. The third and fourth pic are f my big Holly tree in the back yard right behind the deck. I had to go and actually dig out the top of it because it buried in about a foot of snow!! That third pic is the top of it after I dug it out and banged some snow off it!

The first two pics are of the back deck and then the third is the front yard with my poor broken Holly tree, the fourth is the front walk way and the fifth is just off the drive way. I am hoping when the snow melts my poor trees will be able to stand back up!

More snow!

My poor trees!! Although Nanooke is loooooooving it!!

Looking out the window!

Here is our little bug looking out the front window. I think that she is day dreaming of escaping and living in the forest as savage! Eating raw squirrel and scaring all the wildlife!


Here are some videos o Emma crawling around and just exploring. The little band-aids on her legs are from her immunization shots that morning. She likes to just crawl around the house and check things out. When I call to her, she looks back at me and crawls away even faster!! Little stinker!

More Emma video!

More Emma!

Eating the kitty!!

Emma is definitely on the side of good, she is destroying the Storm Trooper!


Alex is helping me exercise!! I figure more weight means I am burning extra calories and he thinks that it's Disneyland!!

More exercising!

Such a helper!


Just Alex being cute, coloring on the couch!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Emma eating!

When Emma is done eating she starts to shake her head no! Apparently rubbing her head on things is also a form of communication!

more Emma crawling!

Emma is getting so fast! She is into everything!

The great escape!

Emma loves to feel things on the back of her head, so she crawls around the house looking for things to rub her head on. So today it was the glass door, I don't know if she was trying to escape or just rubbin'!

Steve doing what he does best!

Don't ask!!!!!!!!!! But you know I didn't come up with this idea!

Bucket kids!

If only they would stay in there!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Emma crawling!!!!

Here is Emma crawling for the very first time! I can't believe that she is crawling already! They grow up too fast! Unfortunately, now she is into EVERYTHING!! and the animals are no longer safe!

Emma's new exersaucer!

Here is Emma in her new exersaucer! She loves being upright!

Snow time!!

Steve pulled the kids around the yard before all the snow melted. It looks cold but it was actually pretty warm and humid and the snow was melting fast, it was all gone by that evening! At the bottom is a picture of Nanooke that she grudgingly stood still for.